Monday, July 9, 2007


Today's Spanish lesson from Catty Tasso of the May Fire:

Translation: "This is very boring. This the second day, driving to... Seattle."

Damn that's a lot of driving. Luckily, El Pipe loves to drive. So he drives almost the whole trip. The rest of us pass the time by staring out the window, making ipod playlists, arguing about how many songs each person gets to put at a time, listening to the mixes for the next EP we're hoping to release Aug 22, and insisting to each other that we should practice our vocal parts, but not really practicing our vocal parts.

We carried some cold cuts in a cooler to cut down on costs, but we also ate at Shari's, where the menu is twenty pages long with lots of colorful pictures of the food, and they have not only a three-sliders-and-three-weiners plate, but a chicken salad with potstickers covered in sweet chili sauce. We ate at Penny's and watched the 3rd shift cook pour big gobs of yellow buttery mix on the hashbrowns and fry it up. We tried to eat at a Sushi place recommended by the door guy at the Comet, but the wait was too long, so we ate at the thai place a couple doors where the soup was killer and the waiter (owner?) was EXCEEDINGLY nice and tried to give us free dessert.. we felt kind of bad not taking him up on it. They also had far-out bathroom sinks. You turned it on by pulling or pushing an upright lever, like a joystick, and the water spills out of a tilted glass saucer sort of thing. Fancy.

The Comet show was fun. People came. We played rock and roll music.

Saturday was the party day. Only 3 hours of driving, hanging out with Michael, friend and sound engineer for kooken & hoomen, at his house with lovely wife, child, and vegetable garden. Gave us beds. Got us high. Barbequed steaks. Hooked up the 4-player football (soccer) on the wall projector. Made us fucking pancakes! Luxury.

The Tonic show was fun. People came. We played rock and roll music. This band Sleepless Me, that was sort of tacked onto the beginning of the bill surprised us by being good. And of course our friends X's for I's were good. Good and crazy. They had a bucket of donuts with them.

Sunday was a nice long day of driving. 10 hours. Oh wait, more like 12 hours cause of a huge traffic jam near Lake Shasta. We took a detour. I don't think it saved us much time, but at least we were moving. We like to be moving.