On our way out of Chicago, Cat noticed that the sky looked exactly like the opening sequence from the Simpsons. It was an omen of pleasant midwestern times to come.
And we soon learned that there's hardly anything pleasanter in this world than a stay with Johnny Beane's mom and dad in Minneapolis. Beds and couches! Laundry! Coffee! Turkey sandwiches! Pasta salad! Buffalo chili, burgers, and hot dogs! Corn on the cob! S'mores over a friggin' CAMP FIRE, for christsake!

Johnny had to keep reminding us that he didn't actually grow up there. His folks moved there several years back, and have a beautiful house, tucked away in a quiet cul-de-sac, and full of cool decorations and eccentric knick knacks. We soaked up their care and hospitality like the poor, weary, road orphans we were. There was plenty of room for Astra Heights as well -- here you see them enjoying delicious fruit and tofu smoothies like kids on Christmas morning (yes that's a Christmas tree in back -- they keep it up year round!)

This little halftime oasis went on for three luxurious days -- we played Minneapolis, then St Paul (15 minutes away), then had a night off. These shows were lukewarm, but who cares?? After each one we packed up as fast as we could and booked it straight back "home", to find yet another improbable feast being laid out for us, and to hear more shocking and interesting stories about Johnny's childhood (which we will not be blogging, sorry ;)
With low attendance at the shows the bands all took the opportunity to try out some unusual material. You know things are getting, uh, experimental when Pipe jumps up on stage with Monte Negro to help sing the Cars' "Just What I Needed".
1 comment:
Having The May Fire Band and Astra Heights stay in our home was completely our pleasure! Had Monte Negro not already made another commitment they could have stayed here as well. They did join us for a meal and a visit. The music of all three bands is fantastic!!! They really are excellent musicians, who can ROCK! Plus each one of them is sooo polite, funny, intelligent, helpful...I just can't say enough about the quality of people that they are. Our son, JOHNNY BEANE, is the guitarist in THE MAYFIRE BAND, so naturally we were curious about who these folks were that he's traveling across the country with. I know...he's an adult and all...but still, a parent wonders...Let me tell you: You just couldn't meet a finer group of musicians or people anywhere! IF THIS TOUR COMES TO A CITY ANYWHERE NEAR YOU, MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T MISS IT! Becky and Syd Beane
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